About ShippingTree

ShippingTree is the complete e-commerce fulfillment solution for consumer product companies of all sizes.

We’re proud to help some of the best and brightest minds in ecommerce accomplish their dreams without worrying about the complexities and hastles of logistics. We work under the guidance of three main principles.

Transparency Our clients have a clear and full perspective of whats happening in our warehouses

Empowerment Our support teams have nearly full autonomy to make customers happy. That’s right – no scripts, no senseless constraints and rules.

Technology We’re always striving to improve our technology, largely through merchant input but also because we keep our fingers on the pulse of the industry. Have a new integration request? Odds are its already in our pipeline.

Shirt in packaing box

We Make Managing Your Own eCommerce Store Simple

We are ShippingTree, a California-based logistics company with one main goal: smart, simple, and efficient order fulfillment for all.


Transparent Pricing Model

Contact us for pricing details regarding transportation, warehousing and shipping. We’ll get back to you within the hour!


Nationwide Coverage

Offer easy and affordable 2-day shipping to your customers.

Reduce Operating Costs

Reduce operating costs and make more money.